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Local Fire Prevention Efforts Supported by SANYO-Verbatim CD Company

SANYO Assists Fire Prevention Efforts

August 18, 1998    Richmond, Indiana

ANYO-Verbatim CD Company is providing funds for educational materials as part of the Richmond Fire Department’s fire prevention effort.

The materials, designed by the National Fire Safety Council, are made available to students from kindergarten through fifth grade. They include educational booklets and pamphlets, badges and stickers, all aimed at the appropriate age group. Members of the Richmond Fire Department’s Fire Prevention Unit make presentations in the local schools, talking about fire prevention and safety.

Fire Chief Michael J. Allen approached area business, industrial, and professional leaders for sponsorship funds. SANYO-Verbatim CD Company was among the first to respond.

“Although our products are shipped worldwide, our home is here in Richmond,” said Ross Josephson, Manager of Internal Sales and Corporate Marketing. “We feel strongly about our local commitment, and we are eager to support valuable programs that improve our community.”

To obtain further information on this news release, contact Ross Josephson, sales and marketing manager.

Phone:  800.704.7648
Fax:  765.935.0174